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Since this was first published the brilliant people over at Style Campaing have created an online tool for converting SVG to VML. I played around with it and it works really well, although they do note it’s not perfect as some SVG features didn’t exist in VML so can’t be converted. Check out the Style Campaing VML R&D article to find out more.

From my extensive research (this wikipedia post) the SVG specification is, in part, based off the VML spec. When comparing the two formats, there are a lot of similarities so I’ve written up this brief guide to help you manually convert SVG to VML.

This is not a quick or easy process but could be good if you wanted to convert your brand logo to VML so it will always show in MSO Outlook even with images turned off.

If you’re interested in SVG I also have a post about using SVG in email.

This article covers:


Both formats can have an outer wrapper, however the VML wrapper is optional. If you’re only inserting a single VML element you can do it without a wrapper.


<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1000 500" style="width:1000px;height:500px" role="img" aria-label="alt text">


<v:group xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" coordsize="1000 500" style="width:1000px;height:500px" alt="alt text">


This specifies the xml namespace for a document. This is optional in both cases but for VML if it’s not on the shape, then it must be added to the HTML tag <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">

Viewport size

Because these are vector images, they can be scaled to any size, so we need to define the dimensions of the space we’re working in. I like to think of it like the artboard size or canvas size that you would use in design software. So if we place something 10 from the top and 10 from the left, it’ll be relevant to the sizes we define here.

SVG viewBox: The SVG viewbox has 4 values min-x, min-y, width and height, for now we’ll ignore the first 2 and assume they are both set to 0.

VML coordsize: VML coordsize only has 2 values width and height, so these should match the last 2 values of the viewbox.

I need to read more into it but it looks like coordorigin may be comparable to the first 2 values for viewbox.

Image size

We can set the actual size of our image with width and height in the style attribute. This works the same in both formats style="width:1000px;height:500px".

Alt text

SVG has a couple of options for alt text, we can use <title>alt text</title> inside the <svg> wrapper. Or we can use role="img" to define this as an image and aria-label="alt text" for the alt text.

VML will converted to an <img> when it’s displayed in Outlook, so we can simply add alt="alt text" to the wrapper.



<line x1="10" y1="20" x2="100" y2="200" stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="2"/>


<v:line from="10,20" to="100,200" strokecolor="#ff0000" strokeweight="2pt"/>

Line size

The line size and colour are done as a stroke in both SVG and VML. SVG uses stroke-width VML uses strokeweight, with VML we need to specify a unit on the strokeweight so I’ve added pt however this is not a relative unit so may need adjusting if the shape size is changed.

Line colour

The colour of the line is set as stroke in SVG, with VML it’s expanded a little to strokecolor.

Line position

SVG starts the line with x1 and y1 to define the start point from the left and top and ends the line with x2 and y2 to define the end point from the left and top.

VML combines the X and Y coordinates, so we set 2 values in from (X then Y) and 2 values in to (X then Y).



<rect width="150" height="150" x="20" y="20" fill="#ff0000"/>


<v:rect width="150" height="150" style="position: absolute; left:20; top:20" fillcolor="#ff0000" stroked="f"/>

Square size

Can be done with height and width attributes or in a style attribute. Either way it’s a direct conversion from SVG to VML.

Square position

SVG uses the x and y attributes to position the square from the left and top. For VML we can do this in a style attribute by setting position: absolute then converting x to left and y to top.

Square rounded corners

For SVG rounded corners are added with rx and ry attributes. These can either be numbers or percentage.

For VML we need to change the elements from <v:rect> to <v:roundrect> then add an arcsize attribute. The value can be a fraction or a percentage e.g arcsize="0.2" or arcsize="20%".



<ellipse rx="90" ry="110.5" cx="251" cy="167.5" fill="#a8b3dc"/>


<v:oval style="width:180;height:221;position: absolute;left:161;top:57" fillcolor="#a8b3dc" stroked="f"/>

Circle element

SVG has 2 options <circle /> or <ellipse /> element to draw a circle. For VML we just have <v:oval />.

Circle size

SVG has special attributes for setting the size but in VML we set the height and width in style.

SVG <circle /> just sets one value r="90" and <ellipse /> has 2 rx="90" ry="110.5"

These values all set the size of the radius (measured from the centre point to the edge). For VML we set the full height and width. So we need to multiple it by 2.

rx="90" ×2 = width="180"

ry="110.5" ×2 = height="221"

Circle position

SVG has special attributes for setting the position but in VML we set the top and left in style, we also need to add position: absolute; here.

SVG sets the position using cx="251" cy="167.5"

SVG does positioning from the centre point of the circle, so again we need to do some conversion. Subtract the width from the position and you’ll get the VML position value.

cx="251" - rx="90" = left:161

cy="167.5" - ry="110.5" = top:57

Custom shape


<path d="M48 421.77 C48 250.077 453 250.076 453 421.77 V500 H48 V421.77Z" fill="#a8b3dc"/>


<v:shape path="M48 422 C48 250 453 250 453 422 L453 500 48 500 48 422 xe" fillcolor="#a8b3dc" stroked="f"/>

Custom shape element

SVG uses a path element with the coordinates defined in a d attribute, and VML uses a v:shape element with with the coordinates defined in a path attribute.

Custom shape path

The path is defined with a combination of letters and numbers. The numbers are in pairs and give coordinates x y and the letters give commands to those.

VML can only use whole numbers so first we need to round these off.

There are a number of other commands such as arcs and quadratic curves which I’m not covering yet. The above commands are the most common and should be enough to get you started.


For all the above shapes we can add a fill colour. SVG uses fill="" VML uses fillcolor="" so it’s pretty simple to convert. VML only supports setting colour as, 3 digit hex, 6 digit hex, colour names and rgb. So if the SVG is set any other way you will need to convert that.

If you need to set a transparent background with VML, you can use fillcolor="none".


VML will always add a stroke by default. SVG does not. In the above examples I’ve added stroked="f" to remove the stroke. However if you want to use it in VML you can either leave that off or set it to stroked="true" then set the colour with strokecolor="red" and the thickness with strokeweight="10".


The most important thing to remember is VML is an image. So try adn treat is as such. This includes not adding text inside the VML and if you do have to add text keep it minamal and add an alt attribute.

I believe Outlook will actually renders the VML as an image and displays it in an <img> element. So you can see it on the screen but you can’t interact with it and assistive technology will just pick it up as an image. This means any links inside the VML aren’t clickable for any users. But you can add an href to the outermost element to make the whole object a link.

Outlook does make some attempt to create alt text based on any text inside the VML but it is far from reliable and it will add the element name which can make things confusing. To get around this you can add an alt attribute to the outer element to pass alt text.
